
President and secretary re-elected at federation’s annual general meeting

Posted April 24, 2022

Jay Weerawardena and Jayantha Weerasekera were re-elected president and secretary respectively at the annual general meeting of the Federation of Sri Lankan Organisations of Queensland Inc on April 12.

The office-bearers for 2022-23 are:

Patron: Anton Swan, Hon Consul for Sri Lanka in Queensland.

President: Jayasiri Weerawardena.

Vice-president: Bill Deutrom. Secretary: Jayantha Weerasekera.

Treasurer: Nandasiri Tennakoon.

Coordinator (Operations): Uditha Manage.

Coordinator (Cultural activities):   Gothami Meepe.

Project Coordinator (Wellfare): Sidath Wijethunge.

Youth Coordinator: Dharshana Munasinghe  


Jayantha Pathikirikorale.

Lal Mendis.

Samanmal Gunarathne.

Sandhya Abeysekera.

Jayamini Mathawala.

President’s and Secretary’s Report 2021

It gives us great pleasure in reporting the key achievements of the Federation of Sri Lankan

Organisations of Queensland Inc 2022. Despite the many challenges posed on us and our

member organisations by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 has been a great

year of success for the FSOQ, with the successful conclusion of the inaugural Sri Lanka Day 2021- mega

multicultural event.

Through this event and our success in exceeding our targeted shipments of beds to Sri Lanka,

the FSOQ has reached to the wider community gaining community trust. Overall, through these

projects we have demonstrated what our collective strength and sense of unity can deliver

for greater community development. Given below are highlights of what we achieved during

the period under review.

(1) Our finances

FSOQ bank accounts are continued to be maintained with Suncorp Bank and the signatories to the

account being the treasurer and president or treasurer and secretary. The funding received for the bed

project is identified in a separate bank account . The community funding received for

hospital beds are maintained in a separate account to be spent exclusively for expenses connected

with local costs in shipping hospital beds to ICU and emergency wards of Sri Lankan Government


The closing Bank balances are reported in the Treasurer’s report as at 30 June 2021 is tabled at the AGM.

(2) Member Associations of FSOQ

No new members associations joined the FSOQ during the year.

However, with limited member resources in FSOQ it is proposed we invite additional members from

the member societies who are keen to be join FSOQ. Having more member participation is an essential

criterion in moving forward as a succession plan. This is to be considered at the AGM.

(3) Annual Returns

Federation of Sri Lankan Organisations of Queensland filed the annual returns of the 2020 financial year

with the bank position as reported at the Annual General Meeting.

(4) FSOQ Website

FSOQ website was developed by Lawry and Robbie Heyn and regular updates are uploaded for community awareness. We thank Lawry and Robbie for keeping the website current with all activities, giving an overall functional reflection of the Federation and its community activities during the year.

FSOQ website:

(5) Our pending AACN application for gaining charitable status

This application requires us to revisit and amend FSOQ aims and objectives to fit with the criteria

adopted by ACNC to offer charitable status to incorporated community of organizations. The currently

listed objectives do not really match with the ACNC criteria and wording of such criteria. A sub-

committee of Jayantha Weerasekera, Secretary FSOQ, Nandasiri Tennekoon, Treasurer, FSOQ and Lal

Mendis, FSOQ, Committee has aligned our objectives to meet ACCN criteria.

(6) Changes to the FSOQ continuation to strengthen governance

The following changes will be tabled at the AGM for discussion and approval.

(a) Aligning FSOQ objectives to meet with ACNC criteria for our application to gain charitable status

(b) Strengthening protocols and internal controls for financial transactions (Rule 20 of the constitution

on Treasurer’s responsibility was also reviewed and redrafted for clarity).

(c) Strengthening current team of office bearers with additional positions

(d) Clarifying FSOQ President’s terms of office

Let us thank the subcommittee Lal Mendis, Nande Tennakoon and Jayantha Weera for reviewing and

listing the proposed changes to the constitution

(7) Sri Lanka Day 2021 Mega multicultural food and cultural festival

The FSOQ with its member organizations launched and successfully concluded the first Sri Lanka Day

event on Saturday 13th November 2021. with the participation of an unexpected number of people.

The feedback we received from both our own community and invited guests has been highly positive

with many viewing it as an great success. This great success can be attributed to the meticulous

planning and the contribution of a hard-working and dedicated team. The event was funded by several

sources of which a grant we received from the State Government ministry of Multi-cultural Affairs

followed by substantial in kind and financial contributions by Brisbane City Councillors Angela Owen,

Algester ward and Sara Hutton, of Jamboree Heights.

Some highlights.

• Displayed high cohesive teaming up of all community groups and or member associations as

one team in organising the event.

• Sri Lankan community displayed its commitment to multicultural Queensland by inviting

performances from different multicultural groups.

• The authentic Sri Lankan food were made available to the participants keeping to food hygiene

standards listed by the Brisbane City Council. The earnings from food stalls were an income to the


• Providing an opportunity to small-scale Sri Lankan businesses to introduce/sell their products

for multiethnic communities.

• The member organizational of the FSOQ actively engaged in much needed fund raising by

running food stalls.

• The cultural stage showcased dances from Sri Lankan and multiethnic communities

entertaining participant.

• The festival was a family outdoor event enjoyed by all age groups of the community

• The Sri Lanka Day 2022 will be held in Rocks Riverside Park Mt Ommaney on 11 September

2022 and Brisbane city Council has already reserved the premises pending our official application.

• FSOQ management committee acknowledge with thanks the assistance provided by the

councillors Angela Owen and Sarah Hutton in reservation of the venue for Sri Lanka day 2022 and a

contribution from the Lord mayor’s Community Fund of the Brisbane City Council.

• State Government grant $4000 and Local Government grants $2650 helped the expenses

Management committee of FSOQ are very grateful to the grant office and Minister of Multicultural

affairs and Lord Mayer, Councillors of Mt Ommaney and Calamvale for the grants given to Sri Lankan

Day 2021. Without such support we could not have celebrated the mega Sri Lankan Day 2021 event

so successfully.

(8) Sri Lanka day 2022

FSOQ has submitted its application for celebrating Multicultural Queensland grant to the Department

of Multicultural affairs in Queensland and we have been considered positively for a grant in

celebrating Sri Lanka Day 2022.

(9) Current FSOQ Projects

8.1 Hospital beds for Sri Lanka project

We continued with this project which was supported by a highly successful fund-raiser during the

height of the pandemic. Our target was to send 350 beds. Although we were successful in collecting

the required beds our shipping efforts by the global shortage of shipping space particularly those

bound to Sri Lanka. Management committee FSOQ took the decision to share the freight cost with

Retired Brigadier Halangoda’s family for shipment that was bound to Sri Lanka Army. We were

compelled to agree with this arrangement as we had a huge collection of beds at the yard that were

exposed to rain with incoming storms. In addition, Mr Scott Walker who own the container yard had

expressed his dissatisfaction with our beds taking valuable space thereby obstructing his own business


Eventually, we were able to exceed our target and we altogether sent 500 beds and most recent

shipments were loaded during February 2022. We must thank everyone who helped the FSOQ in

achieving this success in particular Sidath Wijectunga who coordinated with Health Agencies who

provide beds assisted by Ajith Abeywardena, Rotary Queensland. We must also thanks Anton Swan

our Hon Consul and his son who helped when we had a crisis situation without a forklift truck to load


We are grateful to Mr Scott Walker who has helped us to utilise his storage yard for housing the beds

obtained from Queensland hospitals and age care centres . He was so generous in charging the

minimum for containers used to house the beds.

Mr Michael Silva Former diplomat and Bill Deutrom Vice President of FSOQ are managing all work with

the Ministry of Health Sri Lanka and we thank them for their enormous support.

The FSOQ has sent several updates of the project progress to those who donated money to the project

that included photos of bringing beds to the yard and loading containers.

9.2. Queensland Flood Appeal 2022

The management committee of FSOQ decided to launch a fund appeal to support the communities in

distress from recently effected heavy floods in Queensland . Donations are requested from the

community to support the Queensland Premier’s flood appeal a project coordinated by FSOQ.

(10) Presenting Plaques of Appreciation of Exemplar Community service

The Councillors Angela Owen and Sarah Hutton’s contribution to Sri Lanka Day was recognised by the

management committee of FSOQ with a plaque presented to them at their respective offices. The

FSOQ team participated in presenting plaques included, Jayasiri Weerawardena, President; Jayantha

Pathikirikorale, Immediate Past President and Lal Mendis, Committee member Ex-president SLSQ

(11) Management of COVID as directed by the health Authorities

FSOQ management committee followed the strict guidelines instigated by the health authorities in all

its management committee meetings and Sri Lankan Day event.

(12) Engagements with Ministry of Home Affairs

Community request on medical equipment under Critical COVID situation in hospitals of Sri Lanka

FSOQ President discussed with representative Federal Government Ministry of Home Affairs how Sri

Lanka could be assisted in supplying much needed medical equipment at the request of the medical

staff and Sri Lankan communities in Queensland.

Ministry of Home Affairs FSOQ was concerned with our representation and advised the supply of

medical equipment through AusAid and Australian High Commission in Sri Lanka in assisting the

much-needed medical supplies to manage the COVID situation in hospitals of Sri Lanka.

 FSOQ management from time to time engage in one-to-one briefing sessions with Community

Engagement QLD/NT Social Cohesion Division , Social Cohesion and Citizenship Group of Ministry of

Home affairs presenting matters of importance to Sri Lankan community in Queensland.

(13) Brookfield Cricket Club – Annual fund raiser for food for beds – Charity shield

Due to COVID situation the Brookfield cricket club annual fund raiser for food for beds was not

available. We thank Kamal and his team for all assistance provided to FSOQ in developing the flyers

for FSOQ Projects.

(14) Felicitation of Dr Dinesh Palipana

Dr Palipana OAM was awarded the Australian of the Year in Queensland 2021. Dinesh Palipana OAM

is an Australian doctor, lawyer and disability advocate. He is the first quadriplegic medical intern in

Queensland, Australia. He is the second person with quadriplegia to graduate as a doctor in Australia

and the first with spinal cord injury.

We deeply regret due to COVID shutdowns FSOQ was not able to hold the felicitation for Dr Dinesh

Palipana. However, Federation is planning to request Dr Palipana to hold a motivational session to our youth and this is planned for year 2022.

(15) Engagement with High Commission Sydney Consular Office and Honorary Consul for


We are happy to announce of our continuous engagement with Sri Lankan Mission in Canberra and


We also record with appreciation the assistance guidance and support provided to management

committee of FSOQ by the Sri Lankan Honorary Consul Mr Anton Swan in community engagement

matters and FSOQ charity projects.

(16) A shelter for Sri Lankan community associations

Management committee of FSOQ has lodged an application with the Brisbane city council requesting

leasing of premises to Sri Lankan associations in Queensland. Community facilities Operations team

of Brisbane City council has acknowledged our application and have sent paperwork to be completed

in preparation for tendering on such properties listed. It is the intention of FSOQ to house its all-

members associations under one roof and have all community work conducted in the premises. The

Brisbane city council has advised due to COVID in year 2021 such openings were limited . However,

we will continue to work with City council authorities to look for possible openings to house Sri Lankan

community associations under one roof. work in partnership with community organisations to ensure

that the development and management of community facilities reflects community need and best


(17) Strengthening our relationship with Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ)

This institution plays an important role in strengthening the operations of community organizations

in Queensland. Our immediate Past President Jayantha Pathikirikorale, Gothami Meepe, SLSQ and

Sugee Kannangara have completed community organizational governance courses conducted by

ECCQ. A few weeks ago, Jayasiri, Jayantha, Gothami and Sugee were interviewed by Carrie Barnett,

the Manager Multicultural Community Sector for a video series developed by them to be shared

among member organizations. We believe that all member organizations must use the training

programs conducted by them to strengthen governance.

(18) Subcommittee appointed for Domestic Violence and help available

As requested by the president, a Sri Lanka association subcommittee was appointed to further the area

of help line possibly available if Sri Lankan community needing help

• Sarath Weerasinghe SPUR

• Namal Wijeratne Sri Lanka Society

• Laurensz Manricks Silver Fawn Club

An update is due from this sub-committee about their progress in identifying appropriate action to

address culture specific issues that leads to domestic violence.

Management committee and invited members participated in FSOQ activities in the year2020- 2021

Mr Anton Swan Patron

Jayasiri Weerawardena, President – Radio 4EB Sri Lankan Group

Bill Deutrom – Vice President – Australia Sri Lanka Friendship Association

Jayantha Weerasekera – Secretary – Australia Sri Lanka Friendship Association

Nandasiri Tennakoon – Treasurer – Sinhala Association of Queensland

Indrani Doloswela – Radio 4EB Sri Lankan Group

Sandya Abesekera – Sri Lanka Society of Queensland . (Namal Wijerathe resigned during the year)

Chamath Weerasignhe – Sri Lanka Society of Queensland

Lal Mendis, President – Sri Lankan Sports Association Queensland

Jayantha Pathikirikorale Committee Sri Lanka Sports Association

Sarath Weerasinghe, President, SPUR Queensland

Jayamini Methiwala – SPUR Queensland

Kanaji Wijesekera, President, Ex Servicemen Queensland

Harsha Perera – Ex Servicemen Queensland

Uditha Manage, President Sinhala association Queensland

Samanmal Gunarathne Convenor radio 4EB sri Lankan group

Laurance Mandricks – President, Silverfawn club

Tyron Allan – Silverfawn club

Invited members

Kalum De Silva Sri Lanka Australian Chamber in Queensland

Prasad Kodikara -Sri Lankan Sports Association Queensland

Davenal Flanderka- Silver Fawn club

Dilan Perera – Australia Sri Lanka Friendship Association

Kamal Wanigasooiya – Brookfield Cricket Club

Jay Weerawardena, President

Jayantha Weerasekera, Secretary

Sri Lanka Day rewards Sunday revellers with a feast of food, music and culture Sri Lanka Day a roaring success as crowds savour a feast of culture and culinary fare FSOQ plans for busy 2025 with election of office-bearers and project teams Federation gains a voice at government community round table meetings Women’s forum has wide focus on community needs Sunshine, fine food and cultural treats for record crowd at Sri Lanka Day 2024 New women’s forum will support and enhance Lankan women’s development in Queensland Lord Mayor Schrinner commends Anton Swan’s 30-year commitment to Sri Lankan community Sri Lanka Day will be held on September 15 at Rocks Riverside Park Anzac Day commitment praised Lankan ex-servicemen will march with RSL members at Brookfield Anzac Day parade Federation elects management committee Invitation for almsgiving at Forest Hermitage to transfer merit to the late Lal Mendis Point Five musical show cancelled
Sri Lanka Day rewards Sunday revellers with a feast of food, music and culture Sri Lanka Day a roaring success as crowds savour a feast of culture and culinary fare FSOQ plans for busy 2025 with election of office-bearers and project teams Federation gains a voice at government community round table meetings Women’s forum has wide focus on community needs Sunshine, fine food and cultural treats for record crowd at Sri Lanka Day 2024 New women’s forum will support and enhance Lankan women’s development in Queensland Lord Mayor Schrinner commends Anton Swan’s 30-year commitment to Sri Lankan community Sri Lanka Day will be held on September 15 at Rocks Riverside Park Anzac Day commitment praised Lankan ex-servicemen will march with RSL members at Brookfield Anzac Day parade Federation elects management committee Invitation for almsgiving at Forest Hermitage to transfer merit to the late Lal Mendis Point Five musical show cancelled